Tuesday, October 21, 2008

I was thinking today....

About what I great kid I have. He's been on his medication for ADHD for nearly two months now and it has really been life changing for us. Sure, we still have our challenges. He is, after all, a seven year old boy with a penchant for chatter, an intense curiosity about everything and the intelligence to make my life difficult when I try to answer his overabundant questions, but over all, our family life is SO much more pleasant and relaxed that I am grateful for the challenges of the last year in school which precipitated his diagnosis. I feel like my years of strict rules with consistent consequences and rewards are finally paying off in the parenting department. Its like a layer has been removed and a bright, shiny, happy, well behaved child was underneath. I knew it was there because I saw it quite often, but it was constantly being lost under the intensity of his shifting moods and behavioral struggles. Now he's quite the reverse, I see glimpses (and sometimes full blown storms) of the moods and behavioral struggles, but they get lost in the brightness of the rest of his personality........

I feel guilty having a whole post about just one of my children, so I'll have to add a bit about my daughter. She is just so easy and sweet and silly and smiley and loving (with a dash of the overdramatic and whiny which all three year old girls seem to possess) that I don't have that much to say...... :)

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