I haven't even been knitting or spinning much (and I certainly have been feeling much to negative to blog). I spun a quckie little bit of yarn to make this bunny (what a great idea and tutorial!) for Chey as an inspiration for Eli's next project and also for my nephew's first knitting project. It turned out quite cutely if I do say so myself and I might just keep my gauge swatches from now and to make an entire bunny family.....
I also knit this top out of some Jade Sapphire Cashmere (that's Chey hoping to be a part of the photo).
I am still working on my September Year of Lace project, but am determined (ha!) not to start anything else until it's finished! My resolve is strong! I can almost block out the sound of the other the projects I want to make, crying and begging in their rather pathetic manner.... almost.... I think I can do it.... Did I mention that I have a couple of great ideas for actual "designs" that I'd like to try my hand at????
And finally, I finished one lonely sock that I started as my travel sock over Christmas. Travel sock it was not..... The sock is lovely and the pattern was interesting and easy, but not so easy that I could mindlessly knit it, which is kinda what I want in a travel project.....
I have to finish (or rather start) the other sock before I can begin a new travel project. Which will be my first ever Notorious Sock Knitters World Domination Tour (gawd! I LOOOOOVEEEE that name!) project for the 2009 club. I won't post any pictures of the kit for a bit so that I don't ruin it for others, but it's lovely yarn......
I've also decided what to do about next January... plan a trip! Yesterday I booked a trip to Denver to visit a friend in March and almost immediately felt the fog lift..... something to look forward to!!